In 1983, I was stationed at Hahn
Air Force Base in West Germany. At that time, East Germany was still part of
the Soviet Bloc, but tensions had started to calm down. In fact, our biggest
threats came from terrorists. We were all aware of the Baader-Meinhof Gang, also
known as The Red Army, and their bombing attacks. Plus, in that same year 241 service men were killed by Hizballah terrorist in Beirut, Lebanon. The
bombing sparked a strengthening of security on the bases.
The knight rides through the dark,
Upon his sturdy steed.
Never straying from his course,
Destruction is his deed.
Soon his voice will sound like
And our world will shake.
His sword is swift, and with a
Many lives he’ll take.
He doesn’t care whom he kills,
Man, woman, or child,
And all the world will feel
As if we’ve been defiled.
The world will be burning,
With no one left to care.
Darkness will befall us,
With no one left to spare.
This evil knight keeps coming,
Astride his metal horse.
Is there no one to stop him,
And stray him from his course?
Have a blessed day.
Layman Ray