Thursday, September 26, 2024

And So, It Begins.

For years I have thought about writing.  I wanted to be a writer, but I have never had the confidence I needed to get past the starting point.  That is not entirely true.  I have written poetry, and I have the rejection letters to prove it.  I guess the biggest challenge I had writing is my lack of confidence, and that is followed quickly by my laziness.  Still, here I am writing.

And so, it begins.  I told my wife that I haven't been able to get any writing started.  Today, we start.  I am pushing doubt aside.  I am tapping on the keys of destiny.  Well, at least the keys of my keyboard.  I am starting a new adventure down a road that has been blocked by the thorns of doubt, the rocks of laziness, and a no trespassing sign I put up myself with my lack of confidence.  I am walking down a road that I hope to follow for some time, and I look forward to sharing this trip with those who are willing to follow along.  I cannot tell you exactly where this road will go, but I believe it may be a grand adventure.

Taking the first step forward.

Layman Ray

Christmas Gift Ideas

  Here we are in the heart of the Christmas season, and I really enjoy this festive time of year. One of the many things I enjoy about Chris...